Our engagements

Engagement 02


Certified ISO-9001, ERMO devotes a significant part to the quality process. Since our creation, our absolute priority has been to offer our partners high-precision moulds with the best possible quality. This global approach involves our entire team, and to achieve this we have a test centre with a specialised laboratory for the validation of parts. With 3 portable injection units, we are able to optimise the injection parameters and qualify your tooling. Our test centre comprises 8 machines from 100T to 580T, including 3 bi-material presses. The extensive testing phase represents a considerable time saving and quality guarantee for our partners.


Download our certificate ISO 9001


In partnership with its customers and suppliers, ERMO is very active in researching materials and new technologies to improve the durability and innovation of closures. The environment is a major concern for ERMO, which is also part of the national green transition programme. (green rooster emblem created by Ademe and Bpifrance).


Optimal service

Ermo does not just design your injection moulds. Both upstream and downstream, ERMO will support you and offer you various services: rheological analysis (filling, holding, cooling and deformation phases), thermal analysis and structural analysis. Ermo is also an industry 4.0 which has been able to imagine powerful tools such as the MAC2S to enable you to control your production better.


The ISO 50001 certification obtained by ERMO since 2021 rewards the performance of our energy management system. Our company, which has placed energy management at the heart of its industrial policy, is also going further by taking a close interest in the carbon offsetting policy. To this end, we have been carrying out a voluntary carbon assessment for the past two years and we now offset 100% of our Scope 1 and 2 emissions.
In addition to these actions, numerous initiatives to contribute to energy sobriety are underway, such as the installation of photovoltaic panels on the roof of our new building.


Download our certificate ISO 50001


Ethical charter

Since 2022, our group has formalized and shared with its employees, partners and suppliers an ethical charter. The aim?  To have an element structuring our values and our operating mode. Our simple and concise document also expresses our points of vigilance and our commitments in terms of business conduct. We mainly formulate these commitments:


  • Duty of governance, transparency, cooperation and monitoring
  • Commitment to global warming and the preservation of natural resources
  • Respect for human rights and social dialogue
  • Business ethics and support for the consumer and the territory

The constant application of this charter and its operating principles allows us - among other things - to carry out our CSR approach and to have been able to obtain the silver medal of the ECOVADIS label.
